Pictures from the past few weeks

Picture Index, top to bottom, left to right.
#1. View of the flowers blooming and the mountains in the distance, right out side the gate
#2 Set up for the carnival
#3 More set up for the carnival
#4 Candy vendors
#5 The sweets for the teen class
#6 The spider.
#7 carnival games Sunday night
#8 sort of like funnel cakes... but not quite.
#9 carnival rides at night
#10 *see #9
#11 *see #10
#12 ice cream/ snow cone vendor at the futbol fields
#13 pincho mixto con Erin a la Hotel La Palma, Wednesday night
#14 carne asada for THREE dollars at the rodeo.
#15 pre-game futbol
#16 Teti's pizza
#17 Butterfly, the bull. careful, he jumps.
#18 carnival rides
#19 I was standing in front of the massive speakers they were setting up for tonights dance. I fear that music is going to keep me up all night. And yes, I can hear it from the house.
#20 the hat I bought today at the carnival. I have a thing for hats.
#21 The Queen and the other canidates arriving.

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