Teen Girls Class

A few weeks ago, I started a teen girls class. My roommate, Bessy, is a big help. She leads songs and helps with commentary to make sure the girls were paying attention. By the grace of God, I think the girls can actually understand when I teach in Spanish. I started the class by having the girls write on a post-it note what they wanted to learn from this class. I also told them that if they had any questions about the Bible or about the life of a teenager in general, to write it down. Some of the responses were very general, like "I want to study the Bible." But I had several that asked about how to become a Christian, questions about baptisim, and questions about how to be a faithful and true Christian. Based on that information, I have started a series called To Come to Christ/Venir a Cristo. Last night was the first night in this series. We started last night off with a 4 minute video that showed a group recieving the Bible in their language for the first time. The girls had never seen anything like that. Sometimes we tend to talk down to them or act like they are our charity case. I was able to show them (and me) how incredibly blessed we are. We have the word of God in our hands and in our language. It definitely changed the mood of the room. The girls were silent (which rarely happens) and then we prayed. Edith prayed for people around the world that don't know Jesus and she thanked God for our ability to have the Bible and to understand it. After that, we sang a couple of songs and then we had our first lesson.
The lesson for last night was "Why do we need Jesus?" I asked them to imagine that they owed the bank a 100,000 dollars. Of course, we couldn't pay it and it became this huge weight on our shoulders. Eventually, we were arrested and sent to prison for the money we owed. That was to be our life, alone in a cold prison cell. But then one day, the guard told us that someone had paid all of our debt and we were free. I explained that the world without Jesus Christ is really just a prison cell. Sad and lonely with no way of escape. We read John 14:1-4. I told the girls that Jesus Christ is preparing a place for us in heaven. He has a house/room specifically set aside for each of us. It has our name on the door and its not for anyone else, but ours. Its not special because its a mansion or comes with a nice car. Its amazing beyond words because it comes with Jesus Christ, the one who saved us when no one else could.

Next time, we are going to talk about what it means to be a Christian. Please pray for this group of girls. Theres so much chaos in El Salvador and in the Church here.  Pray that they know that, despite everything else, we belong to a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

Keep praying!

Teacher Teresa

On Thursdays, I teach preschoolers, first graders, second graders, and two hours of seventh grade. Sometimes "teaching" the younger grades is more like wrestling with them to get them to be quiet, pay attention, stay in their seats, and not break the desks. Sometimes they are just precious and adoreable. But this last Thursday, I felt like I was losing the wrestling match.
So when my 5th grade girls left this surprise in my room during one of the recesses, it made my day.

Casa de Cultura

Earlier this week, the school went on a field trip to Casa de Cultura. The Casa de Cultura is basically a library, but instead of complete access to the books, the books are all kept behind a counter and you have to ask for which one you'd like to see.

That day we went to hear a presenation about a famous El Salvador writer. The students had questions to answer about this particular writer.

Here, one of our students reads a short story written by an El Salvador writer.

This picture was hanging up in the Casa de Cultura. It was done by someone of the name Llort, but not Fernando. I thought it was beautiful.

Keep praying!

Pictures from the past few weeks

Picture Index, top to bottom, left to right.
#1. View of the flowers blooming and the mountains in the distance, right out side the gate
#2 Set up for the carnival
#3 More set up for the carnival
#4 Candy vendors
#5 The sweets for the teen class
#6 The spider.
#7 carnival games Sunday night
#8 sort of like funnel cakes... but not quite.
#9 carnival rides at night
#10 *see #9
#11 *see #10
#12 ice cream/ snow cone vendor at the futbol fields
#13 pincho mixto con Erin a la Hotel La Palma, Wednesday night
#14 carne asada for THREE dollars at the rodeo.
#15 pre-game futbol
#16 Teti's pizza
#17 Butterfly, the bull. careful, he jumps.
#18 carnival rides
#19 I was standing in front of the massive speakers they were setting up for tonights dance. I fear that music is going to keep me up all night. And yes, I can hear it from the house.
#20 the hat I bought today at the carnival. I have a thing for hats.
#21 The Queen and the other canidates arriving.

Blogs blogs blogs

Blogs are a great source of guilt for bloggers. Its always, "I need to blog" or "No, really, I really need to blog," or "I haven't even blogged since..." Finally the guilt has gotten to me. So here I write.
Another common problem facing bloggers, myself very much included, we occasionally write based on what we think the readers want to read.
Sorry folks, today Im just going to be brutally honest.

The month that I've been back has been one of the hardest. The congregation here has really been going through a rough time. They've had to deal with rumors, lawsuits, and even disfellowshipped a former preacher. This has definitely hurt morale but I'm hoping that this is a trial we can overcome and that it'll only make us stronger.

As you know, I also teach at the school. The new director/principal is a wonderful woman and I really enjoy working with her. I'm trying teach her how to use a computer. It has been an interesting experience for both of us because Im trying to teach her how to use a Spanish computer with a Spanisk keyboard. But we are learning together.
As every teacher knows, the start of a new year brings new trials and new students. My new students have been great. The Ministry of Education has been slightly frustrating with their constant change in requirements.

A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine was arrested here in La Palma. I'm not sure if he's innocent or not, but as my friend, he deserves the benefit of a doubt. Therefore, I doubt he's guilty. This has definitely added some extra stress in my life and I'm very worried about him.

Combine that with a side of homesickness and you can see its been a rough month. I'm asking that you please pray for me and for the work here. Pray that God give me strength and wisdom to carry out His will.

That being said, it hasnt been all bad. This past week was Valentines Day. Dia de Amistad. Started off last Friday by having our first teen girls class/Dia de Amistad party. I got the girls tons of cake and candy and we talked about living the "Sweet Life."
La Palma goes crazy over this week. There has been a carnival/festival in town all week, a magician performing on Thursday, a rodeo in town yesterday, a series of futbol games, and tonight a dance party in the street/crowning of the Queen. There has also been tons of vendors, including pizza vendors and lots of pizza vendors. Theres a company called Teti's. They make excellent pizza and I have been to see them three times this week. I love them and will miss them dearly when they leave after this weekend.

I have tons of pictures to post. I will post an additional post just for pictures.
Once again, please pray for the work here and that whatever happens God is glorified. Pray that we are doing His will and leading the Church in the right direction. Pray also that if we EVER start to lead the Church in the wrong direction, that we will see the light.