La Iglesia

Sunday night we went to Honduras for worship service. It was their first time meeting in the new church building. I always enjoy getting a chance to worship there and visit our brothers and sisters. There were three people that responded to the invitation that night. All three of them were baptized the following day. (Currently, there is no baptistry in the new building. They are still trying to complete that part. And this allowed for some extra time to study and talk with the people that our now our brother and sisters.)

Monday night, the church in La Palma met for a night of singing and prayer. Our congragation has very few active men that can help with worship service. Hermano Modesto is one of the few that comes fairly regularly. The closest he has come to saying a public prayer was when I was very very sick and some people from church came to visit me. He led a prayer at that time but was very nervous and very quiet. Monday night, Modesto got up and led a prayer. Such a huge step for him. Since then, he has led a prayer during worship Wednesday night and Thursday night. Its such an encouragement to visiably be able to watch the church grow. So proud of him.
Wednesday nights church meetings are always held at someones house. This is a great evangelistic tool for the neighborhood and just a great time to be in our brothers and sisters homes praising God. This week we were in Selena's home. Selena is one of the preschoolers here and anyone who has ever met her, instantly falls in love. This was my first time to visit their house. The houses that people live in dont usually shock me or humble me. Even when I first got here, I wasn't usually taken back by the small houses that dont at all resemble our American standards. Selena's house was different. I was immediately humbled. I saw this tiny house that Selena and her mother live in and it was at least half the size of my apartment. I couldn't help put think that most people in the States have nicer sheds for their lawnmowers than this littler girl has for a home. In this tiny home, they invited their entire Church family. Altogether there was 28 of us there. Sometimes its easy to think that we can't host a youth night or a ladies night at our house because its too small or not fancy enough. This night was a reminder that it doesnt matter what your house looks like, but your willingness to help that counts. I hope that this is a life long lesson that I will keep with me. When I move home, I hope I remember its not about how nice my car is or how big my house is, but its my heart and the smile on my face that really matter.

Here is a picture of Hermano Modesto leading a prayer in Selena's house.

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